FUZI Magic- Building STEMBOX for the underprivileged.
Linking the privileged to the under-privileged in our CSR activities : STUDENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS.
Fuzi Hanim is the founder of Fuzi Magic. Their tagline is Building Bridges of Goodwill. She may be in her 70’s but she is still so passionate and hands-on with all the projects with the underprivileged.
A STEMBOX is a place provided near their homes, for the underprivileged students to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

DELIVERY OF OUR STEMBOX – FUZIMAGIC -INNOVACIA! OUR dream come true! Here are some of our memorable photos. An incredible moment for all of us. Exciting, Adventurous and lost for words. Thank You UPS!! You made it happen!
Click here https://www.facebook.com/FUZI-Magic-Building-Bridges-of-Goodwill-1389288311287592 to follow their latest projects for the underprivileged. Be part of the movement. If you know anyone who can or you yourself can donate containers for the STEMBOX, do contact them and speak to Fuzi.